It is said that holding negative feelings toward a group predicts hostile actions. Hatred for one can be passed from one person to another and from one people to another. This is true even when that other group has far more similarities to, than differences from themselves. Understanding the nature of biases and prejudices is necessary so that we will not continue contributing to the great divide between individuals and peoples.
1. meaning of the following words:
~Prejudice – an opinion, usually negative, that is not founded on experience or reason
~Discrimination – when we treat other people differently because of a judgment (prejudice) made about the other person or group of people
~Stereotype – an opinion or idea about a group based on opinion without regard to individual differences
2. Read the following stories on prejudice
~In the mall, the guards were checking on the people who were entering. When it was the turn of Melissa, the guard seeing her, waived her in. Melissa’s companion, Rufa, was wearing a “kombong” on her head. The guard asked her to open her bag and double-checked its contents.
~Some poor students asked Jun to join their group to do a project. Jun, seeing that they were not wearing nice clothes thought that they could not be good in making the project. He refused them and joined another group.
~There was a report of a hit-and-run accident. Tomas upon hearing the incident stated right away that it was done by a person who belongs to a certain group of people. He later learned that the person who was the cause of the accident belong to their community.
~Three young people attended a seminar. When they were asked about their religion one gave an opinion that the other’s religion was not a religion because they believe in many gods.
~A teacher was entertaining a student who came in to be advised for his enrollment. When the teacher found out that he came from a particular school in a remote town, she told him right away that maybe he should look for another course because he may not be able to fill in the requirements of the school. When the student showed his entrance test mark, she was surprised it was very high.
~Sonia was having trouble in her Math class. She kept looking for some help but her class standing did not improve. One person she consulted told her that it is okay not to do well in Math because she is just like most girls anyway.
3. Try to answer the following questions:
~What is the prejudice in each story?
~Do you think these judgments are fair or justified?
~Can you give examples of other types of prejudices or stereotyping?
~What happened?
~How did you feel?
~What do you think is the result of prejudice and discrimination? How do people feel when they are discriminated against?
~React to the statements:
“The number one fear of people is to be rejected.”
“The more unlike themselves the other person was described as being, the more unwilling they were to come to their rescue.”
4. Nobody likes to be discriminated against negatively. When we are discriminated we feel hurt and this can lead to conflict. Also, when we hold negative judgments against other people it can cause them harm. This can lead to feelings of anger and hate which will become the seeds of conflict and violence.
5. As for your assignment, answer the question:
“What can we do about our own prejudices?”
Next lesson will be posted here on or before September 23, 2009.
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