Here are some of our captured moments...hihi!
If there is any thing you have learned and gained from my class, know that it is from the Almighty God alone.
And if there were any mistakes in relaying the truths,
know that it is from me,
for I am not free of imperfections.
hi sir...
♥♥hEHE.. nAoh!!! wE WiLL miz u siR!!!
♥♥sAna kAw nA nAmAn next cwts nAmN!! hEhE
♥♥ng enjoy kAmi sir!!!,
♥♥nAg cC aqhu siR thAt i missEd sOme of our cLAsSes.. hEhE!!!
♥♥ ingAt'z sir!!! more bLezzings 2 cOmE!!!
♥♥ stAy cOOL
♥♥ sTAy sAfe
♥♥ sTAy bLoming :)
..hei! gabriel dan here.. ala lang,nice pics .. i want more^^, peace out..
blah ..blah.. blah.. blah..and more blah!. awz .. I'll surely miss everybody!. come on' keep in touch!.
my yahoo messenger: funtwo_01
-anything for two.Funtwo!
tanx... ihihi... unfortunately, di ako mkpg handle ng cwts nxt sem...
hey, gabriel dan... tanx 4 passing by on this blog. sure, we'll keep n touch electronically. hehehe.
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